How to prevent varicose veins: As the diagram above shows, normal functioning veins allow the smooth flow of blood back to the heart. They work by pumping the blood along the vein by way of a series of one way valves. This prevents the blood taking the easy route and going in the direction of gravity! It’s when any of these valves malfunction that the flow is disrupted and pools of blood congregate around the valve causing the bulbous swelling and dark coloring of varicose veins.

Whilst varicose veins is a condition that affects all people irrespective of gender and age, not everyone is at the same risk level. There are those whose vulnerability is higher because of the underlying set of factors. Knowing your risk factors will help you in choosing a healthy lifestyle that will prevent varicose veins.



Varicose Veins Increased Risk Factors:

  • Aging: The natural ageing process causes your veins and capillaries to lose their elasticity. The result causes the valves inside them to function less efficiently. This is a catalyst for varicose veins.
  • Pregnancy & Hormone Changes: Hormone changes can have an effect on the veins by causing the walls to relax and soften. As such, women are more prone to developing varicose veins compared to men. This is mainly because of the complex hormonal changes their bodies go through during pregnancy and menopause. It’s therefore more important for women to consider ways to prevent varicose veins.
  • Obesity. If you are obese, chances of you developing varicose veins is higher. This is because the excess weight exerts pressure on the blood vessels located at the lower limbs.
  • Limited Movement. When you sit or stand for longer periods of time, your body risks developing varicose veins. This is because the prolonged sitting or standing posture piles pressure on your veins and lowers their ability to pump blood back to the heart.
  • Trauma or Injuries. If you have suffered either trauma or injuries in the past, you stand at a higher risk of developing varicose veins. This is because such injuries or traumas may cause your blood to clot and hence interrupt its flow within the veins causing it to pool and pile pressure on your veins.


How to prevent varicose veins: Lowering Your Vulnerability To Prevent Varicose Veins

prevent varicose veinsIn light of the above factors, it is impossible to completely eliminate the risk of varicose veins. If you’re going to get them you’re going to get them! When you think about just how many veins are in the body the chances of something going wrong somewhere is pretty small! That said, there are things you can do to lower the probability of you developing the problem.


Exercises help in promoting healthy veins. As a matter of fact, health experts recommend exercises in almost every health condition a person is diagnosed with. As you exercise, the muscles around your veins contract and relax thereby pushing blood back to the heart particularly from the calf muscles and the veins located in the arch of the foot.  A strong calf muscle is associated with healthy blood circulation and minimal vein disease.

Some of the exercises to engage in include walking, riding, and running. Caution however should be exercised when jogging or running because the pounding impact may have adverse effects on the joints. Try running on grassy surface or a synthetic track. There are other exercises that you need to avoid because they put a strain on your venous system. These exercises include weightlifting, sit ups, lunges and crunches.

Watching Your Weight

Excess weight is one of the causative factors behind varicose veins. According to research, 30 percent of people develop the varicose veins condition at a given point in their lives. Out of this, a good number of them are overweight. The danger with obese people is that their varicose veins condition may not show on the surface of their skins because the nature of their bodies makes the problem hidden from view. However, with time, the pressure in the veins causes them to leak and cause further damage on the lower legs.

The best way to check your weight is to establish a healthy exercise regime, diet and have a weight goal that you constantly work towards.

How To Prevent Varicose Veins

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The best diet plan to treat varicose veins is one that is rich in fibers bur low in salts. The calories consumed should be restricted because high energy intake increases your vulnerability to varicose veins due to its contribution to weight gain. Foods rich in Vitamin C help in building up elastin and collagen, the connective tissues that help in keeping the veins toned and strong. A diet rich in fiber is good for fighting off constipation which increases pressure on your veins. In addition, take lots of water and eat foods rich in bioflavonoids.

Avoiding High Heels

High heels are great because of the way they accentuate your posture making you look more beautiful. However, you should moderate the frequency with which you wear them because they can negatively affect your venous blood flow. High heels change your walking posture by shifting your weight to the toes and fore foot causing the calf muscles to remain contracted. The calf and foot veins then fill with blood which the calf muscle cannot pump towards the heart hence causing a pool of venous blood.

To prevent this, reserve high heels only for special occasions, limit their height, wear them with compression hose and use heel raises to activate your calf and foot pump when standing or sitting.

How to prevent varicose veins: Compression Stockings

varicose veins compression stocking

Compression stockings are long associated with varicose veins treatment.

They work by squeezing the legs to reduce venal pressure and hence improve circulation. They work from the ankle up – being tighter at the ankle and gradually loosening to encourage the blood to flow upwards and towards the heart.

Whilst they are proven to help relieve any pain, swelling or discomfort associated with varicose veins it is not definitively proven that they prevent varicose veins forming in the first place. Oh, and make sure you get the right size and strength for you as there are quite a few different options.

Keep Moving

Avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time. Take regular breaks and get the legs moving regularly.


Whenever you can elevate your legs to give your veins a rest! This is especially advisable during periods of high risk such as pregnancy.

Other things you can do to prevent varicose veins is to invest in compression stockings, changing your sitting or standing posture regularly, and ensuring your legs are elevated when resting.

Varicose Veins Defense Cream

A good quality varicose veins cream can really help prevent varicose veins. One such option is Venorex which is worthy of consideration we feel. It’s a professional strength varicose vein treatment cream that is really effective in improving the appearance of varicose veins. It’s also a highly effective defense cream that works by providing all the nutrients needed to keep the veins in top health and working properly. Hence it prevents varicose veins forming in the first place.

You can read our Venorex review here >>>  or CLICK HERE to find out all about this amazing product.

how to prevent varicose veins


Useful Links To Help Prevent Varicose Veins
